21 Jan 2015 — Gert van Valkenhoef
Most importantly, 2014 saw the start of development on ADDIS 2.
We delivered three releases that aimed to prove the feasibility of our architecture and chosen technologies.
At the same time we delivered features that set up the conceptual framework of ADDIS 2 and enabled focused discussions with potential users.
We are now making progress on the data entry and data management component, for which we had to answer a number of difficult open questions regarding our data model and the version management of data sets.
We also set up a software sub-team within work package 4 of IMI GetReal, which will help us prioritize features and gather feedback from project partners.
One of our master students, Bob Goeree, completed his Industrial Engineering and Management internship and MSc project with us.
Bob worked on a prototype of a cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) component for ADDIS 2, an early demo of which is available on cea.drugis.org.
His MSc thesis extended that work to establish how network meta-analysis should inform such analyses.
His thesis and internship report can be found on the publications page.
Gert van Valkenhoef spent October-December at the Center for Evidence-Based Medicine at Brown University.
During this time, he worked with them on importing projects from their Systematic Review Data Repository into ADDIS 2.
He also gave a number of talks, most notably at the Brown Biostatistics group and at ClinicalTrials.gov.
Slides of these talks are available on the publications page.
Douwe Postmus is visiting the European Medicines Agency to work on the benefit-risk methodology project. This work includes providing guidance and training on reporting benefit-risk considerations and exploring different metholodogies for eliciting patient preferences. Douwe’s work will make use of our MCDA user interface.
24 Oct 2014 — Gert van Valkenhoef
We are proud to announce the third preview version of our web-based redevelopment of ADDIS, ADDIS 2 release 3.
Although this is a very early preview, and still far from perfect, we invite everyone to give it a try at addis.drugis.org.
Release 3 offers the following new features:
- Viewing dataset and study details
- An updated and much improved MCDA user interface
- Lots of small updates to improve usability and transparency
The functionality developed in release 3 is showcased in this video.
The next release will focus on data entry and data management.
The improved MCDA user interface has also been propagated to our MCDA web application on mcda.drugis.org.
11 Jul 2014 — Gert van Valkenhoef
We are proud to announce the second preview version of our web-based redevelopment of ADDIS, ADDIS 2 release 2.
Although this is a very early preview, and still far from perfect, we invite everyone to give it a try at addis.drugis.org.
This release introduces basic network meta-analysis, using a random effects consistency model.
Unfortunately models for the assessment of heterogeneity and inconsistency are not yet available.
The functionality developed in both release 1 and release 2 is showcased in this video.
The next release will focus on providing more insight into the data that is available in each data set by letting you browse studies and critique their design.
We also plan to make improvements to the benefit-risk analysis module and improve the usability of ADDIS 2 in general.
25 Apr 2014 — Gert van Valkenhoef
We are proud to announce the first preview version of our web-based redevelopment of ADDIS, ADDIS 2 release 1.
Although this is a very early preview, and still far from perfect, we invite everyone to give it a try at addis.drugis.org.
This release features the following:
- Sign in using your Google account.
- Create your own projects, or browse someone else’s.
- Base your projects on one of two example datasets: a systematic review of anti-depressants, or a market authorization submission for an anti-hypertensive.
- Define outcomes and interventions.
- Create benefit-risk analyses based on individual trials.
Both of the example datasets were also available as examples in ADDIS 1, and as browsing the studies is not yet possible in ADDIS 2, it might be useful to have ADDIS 1 running alongside.
15 Jan 2014 — Gert van Valkenhoef
We are proud to announce the completely revised and revamped website for drugis.org!
The site has been rebuilt from the ground up to make it look more modern, and to make it easier to update.
The content has also been revised in light of the ADDIS 2 project, which is now in full swing thanks to our funding from the IMI GetReal consortium.
In case you’re curious, this is what the site looked like in the past: