
GeMTC 0.12 released

02 Apr 2012 — Gert van Valkenhoef

This new version of GeMTC includes the initial version of a new algorithm for generating node-splitting models. In addition, it was completely rewritten in Java for easier maintenance and to make the source accessible to a wider audience of developers. This also reduces the download size by 5 MB.

ADDIS v1.12.2 released

29 Mar 2012 — Gert van Valkenhoef

ADDIS v1.12.2 fixes an error in the captions of the "Lynd and O'Brien" plots and stops the back-button in the network meta-analysis wizard from resetting the selected drugs.

ADDIS v1.12.1 released

15 Mar 2012 — Gert van Valkenhoef

ADDIS v1.12.1 improves usability by consistently asking the user to create a name for analyses in the first step of the wizard.

New sub-project

11 Mar 2012 — Gert van Valkenhoef

TI Pharma has approved a commissioned project, in which both the ADDIS software itself and the ADDIS data model will be evaluated by industry experts. Hans van Leeuwen will conduct a series of interviews with various pharmaceutical companies, and Jos Aerts will evaluate the data model. See the summary of the proposal for more information.

ADDIS v1.12 released

22 Feb 2012 — Gert van Valkenhoef

We are happy to announce the release of ADDIS v1.12. This new release introduces BRAT framework benefit-risk assessment and several improvements in performance and usability.