
ADDIS v1.16 released

04 Oct 2012 — Gert van Valkenhoef

We are happy to announce the release of ADDIS v1.16. The new release enables dose stratification for drug treatments which can be used in analyses and offers importing of results.

GeMTC GUI 0.14 released

01 Oct 2012 — Gert van Valkenhoef

We are happy to announce the release of GeMTC GUI 0.14. The new release enables network meta-analyses to be run directly in GeMTC GUI, in addition to being able to generate models for BUGS and JAGS.

New publications

04 Sep 2012 — Gert van Valkenhoef

Two new articles have been accepted and are available from the publications page. The first, "Deficiencies in the transfer and availability of clinical trials evidence: a review of existing systems and standards", will appear in BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making. The second, "Hit-And-Run enables efficient weight generation for simulation-based multiple criteria decision analysis", will appear in the European Journal of Operational Research.