
MTC v0.8 released

17 Jan 2011 — Gert van Valkenhoef

MTC v0.8 brings the generation of JAGS models back up-to-date with the functionality in ADDIS. Most importantly, node-splitting models can now be generated. In addition, multiple chains with overdispersed starting values are generated and some R code is provided to aid in data analysis. See our MTC page for information and downloads.

Benefit-risk model published

21 Dec 2010 — Gert van Valkenhoef

Our manuscript "A stochastic multicriteria model for evidence-based decision making in drug benefit-risk analysis" has been accepted by Statistics in Medicine. The paper details the "single-study SMAA" benefit-risk model implemented in ADDIS since v1.2.

See our publications page for details on this and other publications.

ADDIS v1.4 released

20 Dec 2010 — Gert van Valkenhoef

We are happy to announce the release of ADDIS v1.4. The new release brings enhancements to network meta-analysis that make it possible to do a full analysis in ADDIS. An additional benefit-risk model, Lynd and O'Brien analysis, has been added. Finally, pair-wise meta-analyses can now be corrected for zeroes.

ADDIS v1.2.1 released

21 Oct 2010 — Gert van Valkenhoef

ADDIS v1.2.1 has been released to address a bug that prevented domain object from being deleted or edited.

ADDIS v1.2 released

27 Sep 2010 — Gert van Valkenhoef

We are happy to announce the release of ADDIS v1.2. We deviate from our normal 3-monthly schedule to introduce an important feature: benefit-risk analysis based on a single study.