News | ADDIS 2 release 5

ADDIS 2 release 5

15 May 2015 — Daan Reid

We are proud to announce the fifth preview version of our web-based redevelopment of ADDIS, ADDIS 2 release 5. The majority of this release was devoted to the Trialverse component, which is intended to be the portal where users extract and share clinical trials data. With this release, we will freeze Trialverse development (besides bugfixes) for the near future. Release 5 contains the following new features:

  • Creation of complete studies (general information, design, results)
  • Creation of dataset-level concepts (variables, drugs) and their mapping to study-level concepts
  • Versioning of datasets (all changes are tracked, previous versions always visible)
  • Updated the MCDA component to the latest version

The functionality developed in release 5 is showcased in this video. The next release will focus on expanding the analysis functionality of ADDIS 2, particularly the network meta-analysis component.