News | ADDIS 2 release 6

ADDIS 2 release 6

21 Aug 2015 — Daan Reid

We are proud to announce the sixth preview version of our web-based redevelopment of ADDIS, ADDIS 2 release 6. The majority of this release was devoted to expanding the network meta-analysis functionality of ADDIS. We have also made this functionality available as a separate web-application at Release 6 contains the following new features:

  • Support 3 types of meta-analysis (network, pairwise, node-splitting).
  • Allow setting of model parameters (fixed effect vs. random effects, likelihood/link function, run-length parameters).
  • More model results (convergence diagnostics, relative effects plots for network meta-analyses, study effect forest plot for pairwise meta-analyses).

The functionality developed in release 6 is showcased in this video.

The focus of the next release will be divided between three subjects:

  • Expanding Trialverse with features to include others’ extractions, and laying groundwork for automating tasks.
  • Further expanding the NMA functionality, allowing inter-model comparisons, the specification of prior distributions, and the exporting of figures and data so they can be used in reports.
  • User testing to improve the usability and stability of the platform.